Our Courses & Syllabus

Courses & Syllabus

Designed to enhance your skills

C Language

Module 1: Introduction and First Program

- Why Programming
- History of C Language
- Hello World Program

Module 2: Variables and Data types

- Identifiers in C
- Variables and DataTypes
- Constants

Module 3: Console IO Operations

- Printf and Scanf
- Unformatted IO Functions

Module 4: Operators and Expressions

- Expressions and Arithmetic Operators
- Relational and Logical Operators
- Bitwise Operators

Module 5: Control Flow Statements

- If Statement
- Switch Statement
- Unconditional Branching using goto statement
- While Loop
- Do While Loop
- For Loop
- Break and Continue
- Special Cases

Module 6: Working with Functions

- Introduction and Writing Functions
- Scope of Variables, Storage Classes, Pass by Value and reference
- Recursion

Module 7: Working with Arrays

- Arrays Declaration and Initialization
- Sample Programs using Arrays
- Arrays as Function Parameters
- 2-Dimensional Array

Module 8: Pointers

- Introduction to Pointers
- Pointers as Function Parameter
- Pointer Arithmetic
- Pointers and Arrays
- Function Pointers
- Dynamic Memory Allocation using malloc
- calloc and comparision with malloc

Module 9: String Handling

- Introduction to Strings
- Sample Program
- More Sample Programs
- Standard String Library Functions
- Array of String

Module 10: Structures and Unions

- Declaring and Instantiating Structures
- Structure as Parameter and Pointer to Structure
- Enumerated Data Type
- Union
- Bit Fields

Module 11: File Handling

- What is a Stream
- File Handling-Writing and Reading Characters
- Writing and Reading Structure in Text Format
- Writing and Reading in Binary Format

Module 12: Pre-Processor Directives

- Understanding Pre-Processor directives
- Header Files and Project

Module 13: Command Line Arguments and Variable Arguments

1. Command Line Argument

C++ Language Syllabus

Module 1:- Introduction and First Program

- First C++ Program

Module 2:- Language Features

- How C++ differs from C
- Variables Declaration
- Function overloading
- Optional Parameters
- Reference Variables
- Operator overloading
- Basics of Console Input and Output
- Constant Pointers
- Dynamic Memory Allocation

Module 3:- OOPs Concepts

- Overview of OOPs Principles
- Introduction to classes & objects
- Creation & destruction of objects
- Data Members
- Member Functions
- this Pointer
- Constructor &Destructor
- Static class member
- Friend class and functions
- Namespace

Module 4:-- Inheritance

- Introduction and benefits
- Access Specifier
- Base and Derived class Constructors
- Types of Inheritance
- Down casting and up casting
- Function overriding
- Virtual functions
- Destructor overriding

Module 5:- Polymorphism

-What is Polymorphism
-Pure virtual functions
-Virtual Base Class

Module 6:- I/O Streams

-C++ Class Hierarchy
-File Stream
-Text File Handling
-Binary File Handling
-Error handling during file operations
-Overloading << and >> operators

Module 7:- Exception Handling

-Introduction to Exception
-Benefits of Exception handling
-Try and catch block
-Throw statement
-Pre-defined exceptions in C++
-Writing custom Exception class
-Stack Unwinding

Module 8:-- Templates

-Function Templates
-Class Templates


Module 1: Java Language Environment

- Object Oriented
- Platform Independent
- Automatic Memory Management
- Compiled / Interpreted approach
- Robust
- Secure
- Dynamic Linking
- Multi-Threaded
- Built-in Networking

Model 2: Java Fundamentals

- Data types
- Operators
- Control Statements
- Arrays
- Enhanced for-loop
- Enumerated types,
- Static import
- Auto boxing
- C-style formatted I/O
- Variable arguments

Module 3: Essentials of Object-Oriented Programming

- Object and Class Definition
- Using encapsulation to combine methods and data in a single class
- Inheritance and Polymorphism

Module 4: Writing Java Classes

- Encapsulation
- Polymorphism
- Inheritance
- OOP in Java
- Class Fundamentals
- Using Objects
- Constructor
- Garbage Collection
- Method Overloading
- Method Overriding
- Static Members
- Understanding Interface
- Using Interfaces

Module 5: Packages

- Why packages
- Understanding Class path
- Access modifiers & their Scope

Module 6: Exception Handling

- When an exception occurs
- Importance of Exception Handling
- Exception Propagation
- Exception Types
- Using try and catch
- throw, throws, finally
- Writing User defined Exceptions

Module 7: I/O Operations in Java

- Byte Oriented Streams
- File Handling
- Readers and Writers

Module 8: Multithreaded Programming

- Introduction to Multi-Threading
- Understanding Threads & its States
- Java Threading Model
- Thread class & Runnable Interface
- Thread Priorities
- Thread Synchronization
- Interthread Communication
- Preventing Deadlocks

Module 9: Java Util Package / Collections Framework

- Collection & Iterator Interface
- Enumeration
- List and ArrayList
- Vector
- Comparator
- Set Interface & SortedSet
- Hashtable
- Properties

Module 10: Generics

- Introduction to Generics
- Using Built-in Generics Collections
- Writing Simple Generic Class
- Bounded Generics
- Wild Card Generics

Module 11: Abstract Window Toolkit

- Graphics
- Color and Font
- AWT Components/Controls
- Event Handling & Layouts

Module 12: Swing Programming

- Introduction to Swing & MVC Architecture
- Light Weight Component
- Swing Hierarchy
- Atomic Components e.g. JButton, JList and more
- Intermediate Container e.g. JPanel, JSplitPane and more
- Top-Level Container e.g. JFrame and JApplet
- Swing Related Events



-Python Introduction
-Data types

Module 2: LOOPS

-If statements
-If..else statements
-While loop
-For Loops


-Basic math
-Advanced Mathematical Operators
-Creating your own functions
-Defining functions in python
-Advanced Math function creation


-Accessing Array


-In and not in statement
-List function


-Accessing using array
-Negative indexing with different ranges


-Pop() with no arguments


-Adding new key value

File Operations

-Read by passing values()
-Access mode

Read Files

-Create Files
-Delete Files
-Writing Files


-Int to str
-Int to float
-Str to float



Functions,Modules and standard libraries

-System version
-System platform
-Components of datetime


-Numpy Zeros
-Numpy ones

Creating Array Indexing

-2D indexing
-3D indexing
-Negative indexing

Creating Array Slicing

-Using parameter
-Using colon
-Using 2D
-Using 3D

Array shape & Reshaping

-Flattening numpy array into specific shape


-Matplotlib Introduction
-Matplotlib Plotters
-Matplotlib Bar Plotters
-Matplotlib Scatters
-Two different scatters
-Matplotlib Grids & Bars
-Seaborn point plotters

Module 10: Pandas

-Pandas version
-Series data creation
-Series creation with custom index
-Reset index
-Drop columns and row

Module 11: OpenCV

-RGB image
-Gray scale image
-RGB to grayscale conversion
-Reshape array (3D to 2D)

Module 12: Counters

-Mostcommon(Using Slicing)
-Mostcommon(Using negative indexing)
-Barchart using Counters

Module 13: Processing Functions

-rand with parameters

Module 14: Installing packages

-Pip install
-Pip list

Module 15: OOPS Concept

-_init_ constructor


-Modify object
-Delete object with attribute
-Delete object
-Accessing object with attributes
-Object Methods
-Object Method call


-Parent class creation
-Child class
-Accessing parent class from child class


-Data hiding
-Public method
-Mangling method
-Access specifiers

Operator overloading
Module 16: Statistics

-Standard deviation




-Dataframes in Python Using Real Time Dataset
-Dataset Description using dataframes
-Loading Dataset
-Display Records of Dataframes
-Value Counts and Cross Tabulation
-Sorting Dataframes
-Creating New Columns
-Grouping and Aggregating
-Joining Dataframes
-Filtering Records


-How Clustering works
-Finding Similarities Using Distances
-Euclidean Distance
-Cosine Similarity
-K-Means Clustering
-Plotting with Segments
-Cluster Centers


-Forecasting Overview
-Components of Time-Series Data
-Moving Average
1.Loading and visualizing the TimeSeries Dataset
2.Forecasting using Moving Average


-Invariant Transformation
-Grayscale contrast and stretching
-Bilateral Filtering

Data Structure Syllabus

MODULE 1: Introduction

-Data structures introduction
-Algorithms introduction
-Asymptomatic analysis
-Overview of Pointers, Structure
-Overview of Class and Objects

MODULE 2: Introduction to Arrays

-One dimensional Array and operations
-Two dimensional Array and operations

MODULE 3: Introduction to Linked list

-Singly linked list
-Doubly linked list
-Circular linked list

MODULE 4: Stack introduction

-Array implementation of stack
-Linked list implementation of stack

MODULE 5: Queue introduction

-Array representation
-Linked list representation
-Circular Queue
-Priority Queue

MODULE 6: Tree introduction

-Binary Tree
-Binary search tree
-AVL tree
-B and B+ tree

MODULE 7: Graph introduction

-Implementation of graph
-BFS and DFS
-Spanning tree

MODULE 8: Searching introduction

-Linear search
-Binary search

MODULE 9: Sorting introduction

-Bubble sort
-Merge sort
-Quick sort
-Heap sort

MODULE 10: Miscellaneous

-Hash Table


Module 1: Introduction

-DBMS Introduction | Set 1
-DBMS Introduction | Set 2 (3-Tier Architecture)
-DBMS Architecture 2-level 3-level
-Need For DBMS
-Data Abstraction and Data Independence
-Database Objects
-Multimedia Database
-Categories of End Users
-Use of DBMS in System Software
-Choice of DBMS | Economic factors
-Disadvantages of DBMS

Module 2: Entity Relationship Model

-ER Model
-Enhanced ER Model
-Minimization of ER Diagram
-ER Model: Generalization, Specialization and Aggregation
-Recursive Relationships
-Impedance Mismatch

Module 3: Relational Model

-Relational Model and CODD Rules
-Relational Model
-Keys in Relational Model (Candidate, Super, Primary, Alternate and Foreign)
-Number of possible Superkeys
-Anomalies in Relational Model
-Mapping from ER Model to Relational Model
-Strategies for Schema design
-Schema Integration
-Star Schema in Data Warehouse modeling
-Data Warehouse Modeling |Snowflake Schema
-Dimensional Data Modeling

Module 4: Relational Algebra

-Basic Operators
-Extended Operators
-Inner Join vs Outer Join
-Join operation Vs nested query
-DBMS | Tupple Relational Calculus
-Row oriented vs. column oriented data stores
-How to solve Relational Algebra Problems for GATE
-How to Solve Relational Algebra Problems for GATE

Module 5: Functional Dependencies

-Functional Dependency and Attribute Closure
-Finding Attribute Closure and Candidate Keys using Functional Dependencies
-Armstrong’s Axioms in Functional Dependency
-Equivalence of Functional Dependencies
-Canonical Cover

Module 6: Normalization

-Normal Forms
-Minimum relations satisfying 1NF
-The Problem of redundancy in Database
-Dependency Preserving Decomposition
-Lossless Join Decomposition
-Loss Less Join and Dependency Preserving Decomposition
-How to find the Highest Normal Form of a Relation
-Domain Key normal form
-Introduction of 4th and 5th Normal form
-De-normalization in Databases
-DBMS | Data Replication

Module 7: Transactions and Concurrency Control

-ACID Properties
-Concurrency Control -Introduction
-Implementation of Locking in DBMS
-Concurrency Control Protocols – Lock Based Protocol
-Concurrency Control Protocol | Graph Based Protocol
-Concurrency Control Protocol | Two Phase Locking (2-PL)-I
-Concurrency Control Protocol | Two Phase Locking (2-PL)-II
-Concurrency Control Protocol | Two Phase Locking (2-PL)-III
-Concurrency Control Protocol | Multiple Granularity Locking
-Concurrency Control Protocol | Thomas Write Rule
-Concurrency Control | Polygraph to check View Serializabilty
-DBMS | Log based recovery
-Timestamp Ordering Protocols
-Introduction to Time-Stamp and Deadlock Prevention Schemes
-Dirty read in SQL
-Types of Schedules
-Conflict Serializability
-View Serializability
-How to test if two schedules are View Equal or not ?
-Recoverability of Schedules
-Precedence Graph for testing Conflict Serializabilty
-Transaction Isolation Levels in DBMS
-Database Recovery Techniques
-Starvation in DBMS
-Deadlock in DBMS
-Types of OLAP Systems
-DBMS | Types of Recoverability of Schedules and easiest way to test schedule | Set 2
-Web Information Retrieval | Vector Space Model
-Why recovery is needed?

Module 8: Indexing, B and B+ trees

-Indexing and its Types
-B-Tree | Set 1 (Introduction)
-B-Tree | Set 2 (Insert)
-B-Tree | Set 3 (Delete)
-B+ Tree (Introduction)
-Bitmap Indexing
-Inverted Index
-Difference between Inverted Index and Forward Index
-SQL queries on clustered and non-clustered Indexes

Module 9: File Organization

-File Organization – Set 1
-File Organization – Set 2 (Hashing in DBMS)
-File Organization – Set 3
-File Organization – Set 4

Module 10: Advanced Topics

-Query Optimization
-How to store a password in database?
-Storage Area Networks
-Network attached storage
-Data Warehousing
-Data Warehouse Architecture
-Characteristics and Functions of Data warehouse
-Difficulties of Implementing Data Warehouses
-Data Mining

Module 11: SQL Tutorial

-SQL Practicals


Module 1: Basic Computer Instructions

- A simple understanding of Computer
- Issues in Computer Design
- Computer System Level Hierarchy
- Computer Architecture and Computer Organization
- Basic Computer Instructions
- Timing diagram of MOV Instruction in Microprocessor
- Assembly language and High level language
- Addressing Modes
- Memory based Vs Register based addressing modes
- Von Neumann architecture
- Harvard Architecture
- Interaction of a Program with Hardware
- Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC)
- Instruction Set used in simplified instructional Computer (SIC)
- Instruction Set used in SIC/XE
- RISC and CISC | Set 2
- Vector processor classification
- Essential Registers for Instruction Execution
- Single Accumulator based CPU organization
- Stack based CPU Organization
- General Register based CPU Organization
- Data Transfer instructions in AVR microcontroller
- Arithmetic instructions in AVR microcontroller
- Conditional Branch Instructions in AVR Microcontroller
- CALL Instructions and Stack in AVR Microcontroller
- Branch Instructions in AVR Microcontroller
- Logical Instructions in AVR Microcontroller
- Data Manipulation Instructions
- Machine Control Instruction
- Very Long Instruction Word (VLIW) Architecture

Module 2: Instruction Design and Format

- Different Instruction Cycles
- Essential Registers for Instruction Execution
- Machine Instructions
- Instruction Formats (Zero, One, Two and Three Address Instruction)
- 2-address instruction and 1-address instructions
- 3-address instruction and 0-address instruction
- 3-address instruction and 2-address instructions
- Register content and Flag status after Instructions
- Debugging a machine level program
- Vector Instruction Format
- Vector instruction types
- Branch Prediction in Pentium
- Instruction Word Size
- Problem Solving on Instruction Format

Module 3: Computer Arithmetic

- Computer Arithmetic | ALU and Data Path
- Computer Arithmetic | Set 1
- Computer Arithmetic | Set 2
- Difference between 1’s complement and 2’s complement
- Restoring Division Algorithm For Unsigned Integer
- Non-Restoring Division For Unsigned Integer
- Booth’s Algorithm
- Overflow in Arithmetic Addition
- How the negative numbers are stored in memory?
- Conventional Computing vs Quantum Computing

Module 4: Microprogrammed Control

- Micro-Operation
- Microarchitecture and Instruction Set Architecture
- Types of Program Control Instructions
- Difference between CALL and JUMP instructions
- Hardwired v/s Micro-programmed Control Unit
- Implementation of Micro Instructions Sequencer
- Performance of Computer
- Control Unit and design
- Horizontal micro-programmed Vs Vertical micro-programmed control unit
- Comparisons between Hardwired Vs Micro-programmed Control unit
- Computer Organization | Subprogram and its characteristics

Module 5: Memory Organization

- Introduction to memory and memory units
- Memory Hierarchy Design and its Characteristics
- Difference between Byte Addressable Memory and Word Addressable Memory
- Difference between Simultaneous and Hierarchical Access Memory Organisations
- Register Allocation
- Cache Memory
- Cache Organization | Set 1 (Introduction)
- Multilevel Cache Organization
- Locality and Cache friendly code
- Locality of Reference and Cache Operation
- Amdahl’s law and its proof
- Subroutine, Subroutine nesting and Stack memory
- RAM vs ROM
- What’s difference between CPU Cache and TLB?
- Different Types of RAM
- Types of computer memory (RAM and ROM)
- Secondary memory – Hard disk drive
- Introduction to solid-state drive (SSD)
- Read and Write operations in memory
- 2D and 2.5D Memory organization

Module 6: Input and Output Systems

- Priority Interrupts | (S/W Polling and Daisy Chaining)
- I/O Interface (Interrupt and DMA Mode)
- Direct memory access with DMA controller 8257/8237
- Asynchronous input output synchronization
- Programmable peripheral interface 8255
- Interface 8255 with 8085 microprocessor for 1’s and 2’s complement of a number
- 8255 (programmable peripheral interface)
- Microcomputer system
- Working of 8085-based Single board microcomputer
- Interface 8254 PIT with 8085 microprocessor
- Synchronous Data Transfer
- Input-Output Processor
- MPU Communication
- Memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O
- BUS Arbitration

Module 7: Pipelining

- Instruction Level Parallelism
- Execution, Stages and Throughput
- Types and Stalling
- Dependencies and Data Hazard

Module 8: Electronics Part

- Microprocessor
- Microprocessor | Externally Initiated Operations
- Bus organization of 8085 microprocessor
- Generations of computer
- Intel x86 evolution and main features
- Memory Banking
- Introduction to quantum computing
- Conventional Computing vs Quantum Computing
- Rethinking binary with Quantum computers
- Flynn’s taxonomy
- Clusters In Computer Organisation
- Parallel processing – systolic arrays
- 8259 PIC Microprocessor
- Block Diagram of 8259 Microprocessor
- Microprocessor | 8251 USART
- Evolution of Microprocessors
- Human – Computer interaction through the ages
- Computer Ports
- Introduction to Parallel Computing
- Hardware architecture (parallel computing)
- Computer Architecture | Multiprocessor and Multicomputer
- Timing diagram of INR M

Module 9: Programs

- Program for Binary To Decimal Conversion
- Program for Decimal to Binary Conversion
- Program for decimal to octal conversion
- Program for octal to decimal conversion
- Program for hexadecimal to decimal


Module 1: Introduction

- What is an Operating System
- Simple Batch Systems
- Multi-programmed Batches systems
- Time-Sharing Systems
- Personal-computer systems
- Parallel systems
- Distributed Systems
- Real-Time Systems
- OS – A Resource Manager

Module 2: Memory Organization & Management

- Memory Organization
- Memory Hierarchy
- Memory Management Strategies
- Contiguous versus non- Contiguous memory allocation
- Partition Management Techniques
- Logical versus Physical Address space
- Swapping
- Paging
- Segmentation
- Segmentation with Paging

Module 3: Virtual Memory

- Demand Paging
- Page Replacement
- Page-replacement Algorithms
- Performance of Demand Paging
- Thrashing
- Demand Segmentation and Overlay Concepts

Module 4: Processes

- Introduction
- Process states
- process management
- Interrupts

Module 5: Inter process Communication Threads

- Introduction
- Thread states
- Thread Operation
- Threading Models.

Module 6: Processor Scheduling

- Scheduling levels
- pre-emptive vs no pre-emptive scheduling
- Priorities
- scheduling objective
- scheduling criteria
- scheduling algorithms
- demand scheduling
- real-time scheduling

Module 7: Process Synchronization

- Mutual exclusion
- software solution to Mutual exclusion problem
- hardware solution to Mutual exclusion problem
- Semaphores
- Critical section problems
- Case study on Dining philosopher problem, Barbershop problem etc.

Module 8: Deadlocks

- Introduction of deadlock
- resource concepts
- necessary conditions for deadlock
- deadlock solution, deadlock prevention
- deadlock avoidance with Bankers algorithms
- deadlock detection
- deadlock recovery

Module 9: Device Management

- Disk Scheduling Strategies
- Rotational Optimization
- System Consideration
- Caching and Buffering

Module 10: File System

- Introduction
- File Organization
- Logical File System
- Physical File System
- File Allocation strategy
- Free Space Management
- File Access Control, Data Access Techniques
- Data Integrity Protection
- Case study on file system viz FAT32, NTFS, Ext2/Ext3 etc.

Module 11: I/O Systems

- Kernel I/O Subsystem
- Disk Structure
- Disk Scheduling
- Disk Management
- Swap Space Management
- RAID Structure
- Case study on Linux System
- Case study on Windows XP.